La Asociación de Escritores de Terror (HWA) presenta el listado preliminar de obras nominables a los Premios Bram Stoker® 2024

La Asociación de Escritores de Terror (HWA) se complace en anunciar el boletín preliminar de obras candidatas a ser finalistas a los Premios Bram Stoker 2023. La HWA (ver es la principal organización de escritores en el género de terror y ficción oscura, con más de 2.000 miembros y que presentad los Premios Bram Stoker® en varias categorías desde 1987 (ver

Estos trabajos NO deben denominarse como “Nominados al Premio Bram Stoker”. Sólo las obras que aparecen en el anuncio final, que se anunciará formalmente el 23 de febrero o alrededor de esa fecha, podrán ser denominadas como finalistas.

Los obras que son candidatas a ser finalistas en este año son:


Mejor Antología

Ajram, Sofia — Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror (Ghoulish Books)

Coleborn, Peter and Chinn, Mike — Shadowplays (PS Publishing)

Costello, Rob — We Mostly Come Out at Night: 15 Queer Tales of Monsters, Angels & Other
Creatures (Running Press)

Grassmann, Preston and Kelso, Chris — The Mad Butterfly’s Ball (PS Publishing)

Gyzander, Carol and Taborska, Anna — Discontinue If Death Ensues: Tales from the Tipping
Point (Flame Tree Publishing)

Murano, Doug and Bailey, Michael — Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse
and Bad Manners (Bad Hand Books)

Peter, Jessica and Bloom, Timaeus — Howls From the Scene of the Crime (Howl Society

Ryan, Lindy — Mother Knows Best: Tales of Homemade Horror (A Women in Horror Anthology) (Black Spot Books)

Ryan, Lindy — The Darkest Night (Crooked Lane Books)

Yates, April and Knowles, Ray — Scissor Sisters (Brigids Gate Press)



Mejor Colección De Ficción

Barron, Laird — Not a Speck of Light (Bad Hand Books)

Enriquez, Mariana — A Sunny Place for Shady People (Penguin) 

Ghosh, Puloma — Mouth (Astra)          

Maberry, Jonathan — Midnight Lullabies: Unquiet Stories and Poems (WordFire)

Mars, MJ — We’ve Already Gone Too Far (Paramonster)

Najberg, Andrew — In Those Fading Stars (Crystal Lake)

Pyles, Nelson W. — All These Steps Lead Down  (Cold War Radio)                           

Sylvaine, Angela — The Dead Spot: Stories of Lost Girls (Dark Matter Ink)

Waggoner, Tim — Old Monsters Never Die (Winding Road Stories)                                   

Yardley, Mercedes — Love is a Crematorium and Other Tales (Cemetery Dance)



Mejor Primera Novela

Alering, Alisa — Smothermoss (Tin House Books)

Coles, Donyae — Midnight Rooms (Amistad)

Drake-Thomas, Jessica — Hollow Girls (Cemetery Dance Publications)

Gish, Elliott — Grey Dog (ECW Press)

Ham, Yeji Y. — The Invisible Hotel (Zando)

Kiefer, Jenny — This Wretched Valley (Quirk Books)

Kim, Monika — The Eyes Are the Best Part (Erewhon Books)

Ryan, Lindy — Bless Your Heart (Minotaur Books)

Sandeen, Del — This Cursed House (Berkley)

van Veen, Johanna — My Darling Dreadful Thing (Poisoned Pen Press)



Mejor Novela Gráfica

Erman, Matthew (writer) and Beck, Sam (artist) — Loving, Ohio (Dark Horse Books)

Ha, Robin (writer/artist) — The Fox Maidens (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Hetland, Beth (writer/artist) — Tender (Fantagraphics Books)

Horvath, Patrick (writer/artist) — Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees (Penguin Random

Maass, Dave (writer) and Lay, Patrick (artist) — Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis (Dark
            Horse Comics)

Peterson, Scott and Downing Hahn, Mary (writers) and Laxton, Meredith and Haralson, Sienna
             (artists) — The Old Willis Place (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Romesburg, Sam and Freeman, Sam (writers) and Vázquez, Rodrigo (artist) — Hound (Mad
            Cave Studios)

Tanabe, Gou (writer/artist) — H. P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu (Dark Horse Books)

Tynion, James, IV (writer) and Hixson, Joshua (artist)—- The Deviant (Image Comics)

Umber, Maggie (writer/artist) — Chrysanthemum Under The Waves (Maggie Umber LLC)



Mejor Obra De Ficción Larga

Ajram, Sofia – Coup de Grâce (Titan Books)

Cassidy, Nat – Rest Stop (Shortwave Publishing)

Fairclough, Gemma – Bear Season (Wild Hunt Books)

Gu, Congyun “Mu Ming” (trans. Kiera Johnson ) – A Well-Fed Companion (Reactor, March 20

Hernandez, L.P. – In the Valley of the Headless Men (Cemetery Gates Media)

LaRocca, Eric – “All The Parts of You That Won’t Easily Burn” (This Skin Was Once Mine and
Other Disturbances) (Titan Books)

McLeod Chapman, Clay – Kill Your Darling (Bad Hand Books)

Olivas, M. M. – “¡Sangronas! Un Lista de Terror” (Uncanny, September 2024)

Royce, Eden – Hollow Tongue (Raw Dog Screaming Press)

Watkins, Melissa A. – “Ol’ Big Head” (Lightspeed Magazine, December 2024) (Adamant Press)



Mejor Obra De No Ficción Larga

Bogutskaya, Anna — Feeding the Monster: Why Horror Has a Hold on Us (Faber & Faber)

Brewster, Scott and Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew — The Routledge Introduction to the American
Ghost Story (Routledge)

Dauber, Jeremy —American Scary: A History of Horror, from Salem to Stephen King and
Beyond (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill)

Duns, Ryan G., S.J. — Theology of Horror: The Hidden Depths of Popular Films (University of
            Notre Dame Press)

Honeycutt, Heidi — I Spit on Your Celluloid: The History of Women Directing Horror Movies
Hughes, Emily C.  — Horror for Weenies: Everything You Need to Know About the Films You’re
Too Scared to Watch (Quirk Books)

McOuat, Allyson — The Call Is Coming from Inside the House (ECW Press)

O’Sullivan Sachar, Cassandra, ed. — No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends
the Tropes (Vernon Press)

Riekki, Ron and Wetmore Kevin J., Jr., eds. — The Many Lives of the Purge: Essays on the
Horror Franchise (McFarland & Company, Inc.)

Shultz, Erica — The Sweetest Taboo: An Unapologetic Guide to Child Kills in Film



Mejor Novela Infantil

Alkaf, Hanna – Tales from Cabin 23: Night of the Living Head (Balzer + Bray, an imprint of
            HarperCollins Publishers)

Averling, Mary – The Curse of Eelgrass Bog (Razorbill)

Collings, Michaelbrent – The Witch in the Woods (Shadow Mountain Publishing)

Cuevas, Adrianna – The No-Brainer’s Guide to Decomposition (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Fournet, M. R. – Darkness and Demon Song (Feiwel & Friends, an imprint of Macmillan

Hassan, Rochelle – Nox Winters and the Midnight Wolf (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Oshiro, Mark – Jasmine Is Haunted (Starscape, an imprint of Tor Publishing Group)

Ottone, Robert P. – There’s Something Sinister in Center Field (Cemetery Gates Media)

Royce, Eden – The Creepening of Dogwood House (Walden Pond Press, an imprint of
            HarperCollins Publishers)

Ursu, Anne – Not Quite a Ghost (Walden Pond Press, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers)



Mejor Novela

Iglesias, Gabino — House of Bone and Rain (Mulholland Books)

Jones, Stephen Graham — I Was a Teenage Slasher (S&S/Saga Press)

Kiste, Gwendolyn —  The Haunting of Velkwood (S&S/Saga Press)

Leede, CJ – American Rapture (Tor)

Malerman, Josh — Incidents Around the House (Del Rey)

McGregor, Tim – Eynhallow (Raw Dog Screaming Press)

Medina, Nick – Indian Burial Ground (Berkley)

Pelayo, Cynthia – Forgotten Sisters (Thomas Mercer)

Tingle, Chuck – Bury Your Gays (Tor)

Tremblay, Paul — Horror Movie (William Morrow)



Mejor Obra De Poesía

Anderson, Colleen – Weird Worlds (Weird House Press)                                                   

Blythe, Andrea – Necessary Poisons (Interstellar Flight Press)                                           

Hodge, Jamal – The Dark Between the Twilight (Crystal Lake Publishing)                             

Iniguez, Pedro – Mexicans on the Moon: Speculative Poetry from a Possible Future (Space
            Cowboy Books)                                               

Marinelli, Kayleigh – Medicine (Plan B Press)

Murray, Lee – Fox Spirit on a Distant Cloud (The Cuba Press)         

Ness, Mari – A Few Mythic Paths (Porkbelly Press)                                               

Saulson, Sumiko – Melancholia: A Book of Dark Poetry (Bludgeoned Girls Press)

Tolian, Brenda S. – Bestial Mouths (Raw Dog Screaming Press)     

Wood, L. Marie – Imitation of Life (Falstaff Books)  



Mejor Guion

Beck, Scott and Woods, Bryan — Heretic (A24, Shiny Penny, Beck/Woods)

Eggers, Robert; Galeen, Henrik; and Stoker, Bram — Nosferatu (Focus Features, Maiden
            Voyage Pictures, Studio 8)

Fargeat, Coralie — The Substance (Working Title Film, Good Story, Blacksmith)

Lobel, Andrew — Immaculate (Black Bear, Fifty-Fifty Films, Middle Child Pictures)

McCarthy, Damian — Oddity (Keeper Pictures, Shudder)

McDonald, Ian — Woman of the Hour (AGC Studios, BondIt Media Capital, Vertigo

Perkins, Osgood — Longlegs (C2 Motion Picture Group, Creature Features, Oddfellow

Schoenbrun, Jane — I Saw the TV Glow (A24, Fruit Tree, Smudge Films)

Shields, Stephen and Busick, Guy — Abigail (Project X Entertainment, Radio Silence

Singer, Tilman — Cuckoo (Fiction Park, Neon, Waypoint Entertainment



Mejor Obra De Ficción Corta

Barron, Laird — “Versus Versus” (Long Division: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners) (Bad Hand Books)

Bolton, Rachel — “And She Had Been So Reasonable” (Apex Magazine Issue 147) (Apex Book

Brown, Sasha — “To the Wolves” (Weird Horror #9) (Undertow Publications)

Busby, R. A. — “Ten Thousand Crawling Children” (Nightmare Magazine January 2024)
            (Adamant Press)

Dawson, Emilie —“Snowblind” (NonBinary Review Issue #35: Old Friends) (Zoetic Press)

Forna, Victor — “like blood on the mouths of death” (Nightmare Magazine May 2024) (Adamant Press)

Greenwood, Gage — “Two Shows on a Saturday” (Levitating: Stories) (Tanner’s Switch

Jabukowski, Raven — “She Sheds Her Skin” (Nightmare Magazine November 2024) (Adamant

Jensen, Nayani — “Rescue Station”(Northern Nights) (Undertow Publications)

Matthews, Ben “Flesh of My Flesh” (Spawn 2: More Weird Horror Tales about Pregnancy, Birth
and Babies) (IFWG Publishing)



Mejor Obra De No Ficción Corta

Andersen, Joceline — “Bad Blood: Serial Killers, True Crime, and the Racial Imaginary In
             Shadow of a Doubt” (Canadian Journal of Film Studies Spring 2024) (University of
            Toronto Press)

Arnzen, Michael — “Screamin’ in the Rain: The Orchestration of Catharsis in William Castle’s
            The Tingler” (What Sleeps Beneath)

Donner, Claire — “All is the Fear and Nothing is the Love: The Phantom of the Auteur in Dario
            Argento’s Opera” (Severin Films)

Kelso, Chris — “On Melting: Essays Against the Body” (Filthy Loot/Control)

Liaguno, Vince — “The Horror of Donna Berzatto and Her Feast of the Seven Fishes” (You’re
Not Alone in the Dark) (Cemetery Dance Publications)

Markov, Haralambi — “The H Word: My Father, My Private Monster” (Nightmare Magazine, May 2024) (Adamant Press)

Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew — “Hidden Histories: The Many Ghosts of Disney’s Haunted Mansion.” (Disney Gothic: Dark Shadows in the House of Mouse) (Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.)

Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew — “Those Who Eat and Those Who Get Eaten: Cannibalism and
            Capitalism in Melville’s Typee and ‘The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of
            Maids’” (Gothic Melville) (University of Wales Press)

Wetmore, Kevin J., Jr. —“Jackson and Haunting of the Stage” (Journal of Shirley Jackson
Studies Vol. 2 No. 1) (Shirley Jackson Society)

Wood, Lisa — “Blacks in Film and Cultivated Bias” (No More Haunted Dolls: Horror Fiction that Transcends the Tropes) (Vernon Press)



Mejor Novela Para Adultos Jóvenes

Ancrum, K. — Icarus  (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Cesare, Adam — Clown in a Cornfield 3: The Church of Frendo  (HarperCollins Children’s

Cobell, K. A. — Looking for Smoke (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Fraistat, Ann — A Place for Vanishing (Delacorte Press)

Kisner, Logan-Ashley — Old Wounds (Delacorte Press)

Kölsch, Freddie — Now, Conjurers  (Union Square & Co.)

Parker, Natalie C. — Come Out, Come Out  (G.P. Putnam Son’s)

Senf, Lora — The Losting Fountain (Union Square & Co.)

Vishny, A. R. — Night Owls (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

Wellington, Joelle — The Blond Dies First (Simon & Schuster)